“Rashad Khalifa is a liar”

I caught myself misspeaking recently and it occurred during a time when a few members were on the discord server calling Rashad a liar for some claims he made earlier that he has later corrected or clarified. We will discuss these claims in the coming blogs God willing, but for now, I want to address a recent experience that I had–and I take this as a sign/guidance from God:

I had said when discussing one of the math miracles regarding C0VlD-19 that “C0VlD-19 was first identified in 12/31/2019”:

In fact, I have made this mistake several times. However, one time, I made sure to be more careful about my wording:

This is actually what I meant–not that it was first identified in 12/31/2019, but rather it was announced to the world as a significant event on that day (So much so that the WHO includes that date as the first relevant date in their timelines). And this date is more significant than the events that ensued before, because there is some disagreements about exactly when the first case was and when it was identified as a novel virus, and most importantly because this was the date that it was globally announced and became relevant and known internationally.

Now I clearly misspoke and it was not on purpose. In fact, several times when I have misspoken, I’ve even listed a screenshot of the WHO timeline and their claim. Had I been a messenger, those seeking discord would have called me a liar when all I did was unintentionally misspeak and got ahead of myself. Excitement and passion to share the information while you are writing it–tends to lead to misspeaking.

Another thing that I have done in the past is gotten my facts wrong, or remembered them incorrectly. And anyone who has intentions to cause discord or slander would label me as a liar, one who is attributing lies to God, or fabricating lies to God.

If I had gotten the facts wrong or remembered them incorrectly, did I fabricate lies about God? Did I attribute lies to God? God never holds anyone accountable for information they don’t know while genuinely expressing what they honestly thought was true–only the intentional mistakes, fabrications and lies are the ones that God holds someone accountable for.

I also find it extremely egregious when those who wish to cause discord refuse to give Rashad the benefit of the doubt. Rashad had made a religious teaching that you should be well dressed for the Masjids. In one of this Friday sermons, he was wearing a T-shirt. So then they would call Rashad a hypocrite, one who doesn’t follow his own teachings. Rather than give the benefit of the doubt, like how for example, he may have spilled coffee on his dress shirt, so he changed his shirt to the only shirt that was available-they wish to cause discord and assume the worst.

Satan interferes with every messenger

Rashad is not an exception regarding the messengers, per the Quran. Satan interferes with every messenger.

[Quran 22:52] We did not send before you any messenger, nor a prophet, without having the devil interfere in his wishes. GOD then nullifies what the devil has done. GOD perfects His revelations. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.

Indeed every messenger always has to deal with Satan’s interventions against him, whether internal/mental or external/physical–and if the Messenger is affected by it, God then nullifies what the devil has done.

And if you closely look at the Arabic it reads literally like this: “but when he [messenger/prophet] recited, Satan threw in his recitation”–and some classical commentators even asserted this verse is referring to a time Satan literally gave Muhammad polytheistic verses as part of the Quran that God removed.

And if you look at the next verse after 22:52, God informs us that he uses Satan’s interventions as a drop out system for the hypocrites and for those who in their heart has a disease. And this is exactly what is happening right now with Rashad–God’s system never changes.

Additionally, we find evidence that Satan can give revelations to even prophets of God, that these prophets think it is from God:

[37:102] When he grew enough to work with him, he said, “My son, I see in a dream that I am sacrificing you. What do you think?” He said, “O my father, do what you are commanded to do. You will find me, GOD willing, patient.”

  • Rashad’s heading and footnote on 37:102-*Satanic Dream*- The Most Merciful never advocates evil (7:28). As with Job, Satan claimed that Abraham loved his son too much, and was permitted to put Abraham to that severe test.

And of course as you read on in these verses, God nullifies what Satan has done–and even rewarded Abraham for almost completely following something he thought was from God.

Now if we were to take the position of those who want to cause discord and reject Rashad–they would claim, “Abraham is a liar, he attributed lies to God, he fabricated lies about God, and therefore Abraham is not a messenger”. By their own standards, they would reject Abraham being a messenger

What this verse informs us is that messengers are not immune from getting revelations they think are from God, but are actually from Satan. What God promises though, is that he nullifies what Satan has done.

So any of these alleged lies by Rashad, or fabrications by Rashad (and all of them by the way, as we will see in the coming blogs-have been corrected by Rashad (nullified by God) in his later work, especially in his final translation of the Quran.

It is important for us to trust in God completely. That he is in complete control. That he will nullify any Satanic interventions. That the message that comes through Rashad will be exactly as God intended for us. We must trust in his system as he commanded and obey his messenger. Those who wish to disbelieve or cause discord will use these Satanic interventions to deny Rashad as a messenger completely or as an excuse to disobey the teachings of the messenger they don’t like.

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likely true based on my current reasoning and knowledge–anything and
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